The Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center exists to complement the academic program of studies and enrich the quality of campus life for African and African-American students on-campus and online at Oregon State University. Students, staff and faculty are encouraged to get involved with the center through programs, utilizing resources and visiting the BCC.
The Kaku-Ixt Mana Ina Haws prides itself in being a brave space that Indigenous students can be in community and express their culture. Events are held fall, winter, and spring terms that highlight Indigenous history, culture and current issues. Ina Haws provides a sense of home and community for Indigenous students that helps preserve their identities while in college.
Click on an organization to learn more about it and find contact information. Visit Student Experiences & Engagement for more information about student clubs and organizations.
The purpose of ASA is to foster close, friendly relationships and better understanding among African students of the diaspora and Oregon State University. ASA serves and educates the Oregon State community about African history, traditions, customs and happenings in addition to joining students of African descent or from the various countries of Africa to come together and create a home away from home.
To contact ASA, email [email protected].
The BGSA is an organization dedicated to making the Oregon State University community aware of and responsive to the needs and concerns of black graduate students. The BGSA serves as a professional and social support body for graduate and undergraduate students. BGSA is particularly concerned with the recruitment and retention of black undergraduates into graduate school.
To contact BGSA, email [email protected].
The mission of Oregon State University's BSU is to foster, support and promote the social, political and educational growth of black students. The BSU also spreads awareness and compassion through the education of peers and service to the community.
To contact the BSU, email [email protected].
Utilizing the tenets of social justice, DSI fosters the continued development of self-efficacy, servant leadership, professional skills and academic excellence in male-identified students of color at Oregon State University.
To learn more about DSI, visit Men's Development and Engagement.
It is the purpose of NAACP to ensure the political, education, social and economic equality of people of color in the community and to eliminate racial prejudice. NAACP seeks to remove all barriers to racial discrimination through democratic processes.
To contact the Oregon State chapter of the NAACP, email [email protected].
The mission of NSBE is to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers that excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.
To contact NSBE, email [email protected].
This group enhances the public understanding of and appreciation for Chicanos, Latinos, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Natives Hawaiians and other underrepresented students in science.
To contact SACNAS, email [email protected].
WoCC aims to celebrate, empower and advocate for women of color at Oregon State University by focusing on the professional development of women of color in all disciplines in order to enable them to become successful contributors to their field. WoCC provides support, community and resources for women of color at Oregon State, while enriching Oregon State with the contributions of often silenced people.
To contact WoCC, email [email protected].